My photography is a collection of school and personal projects where I explore short studies on architecture, landscapes, objects, and the human form. But my most consistent theme is beauty. We are all beautiful beings- my number one goal is to reveal that beauty in others by making people look and feel empowered through my perception. Color toning plays a major role in my photography, coloring using the standard red, green and blue color space (RGB) lets me challenge the viewers sight by distorting the colors of reality as we know them. All that’s left is a final image with a simple concept that is open for interpretation by the viewer.

So, indulge yourself in it for a moment, soak it in, and then let it go.

Photography or light-painting as I like to call it, is the ability to see everything physical as is. And if you are lucky enough to see, you are already doing this every day. But are you taking advantage of your vision? Look around you. Light is the fundamental aspect of everything that exists, and as to why we can see it. As simple of a concept that is, we often fail to pay attention to details in shapes, patterns and textures that are formed due to light - giving us the potential to manifest new ideas and communicate emotions.

Whatever the light source may be (the sun, fire or artificial) light particles emitting from that light source reflect from everything that is physical down into an atomic level, then it bounces back to us to be absorbed by our retinas which allows us to see everything. This light-speed process makes it easier for you to translate your imagination over to the real-world using speech or visuals.

Therefore, take advantage of your vision! Because unfortunately not everyone is born with this ability!